virtual reality

Morels Homestead Launches Today on Steam!

We are excited to announce that a PC VR version of Morels: Homestead launches today on steam! BUY NOW!

Morels: Homestead Tropical Update!

We’ve just released our big Tropical Update! The update is free and has a lot to explore and experience. Below are some of the biggest updates.

2 New Explorable Maps
Each map features new collectables and quests.
Flamingo Island
Willow Tree Golf Course
2 New Homesteads
Beach Island and Tropical Land
Seashell Hunting
You can sell them for cash.
New Animals
Sprinkler System
You can now purchase sprinkler systems for your garden boxes. You can purchase them by trigger clicking on the garden boxes to bring up their item menu. After purchasing you will see the sprinkler system working. You will no longer need to manually water the plants in the garden box. You can still purchase fertilizer and manually fertilize plants if you would like them to grow faster.
-New save slots. You can now have multiple saved games.
-All maps have had their graphics slightly updated.
-A “Sell All Seashells and Metals” button has been added to the Misc Vendor.
-Blewit Mushrooms have been added to the new maps.
-2 new garden seeds. Coconut tree and a pineapple tree.
-Many new homestead items to purchase in the Farmer’s Market.
-Farmer’s Market and the Main Menu have been updated to match the new artwork of the Tropical Update.
There are some other updates as well but these are the main ones. We hope you enjoy the update!
-The Abrams Studios Team

Summer 2018 Game Updates

Morels: The Hunt

We have done a lot of work on Morels this summer. We have new animals, levels, UI, features, and more. We have been able to test what we have done on the game so far on a few different GPU’s. We are not completely satisfied with the performance results so far. We are currently working on optimizing the game a bit more. It is tough to balance quality vs performance.

We frequently get asked when the game is going to be released. We would love to get it out by the end of this year on PC. We are working hard to try and make that happen but it is possible it may not be until early 2019. The game has gotten bigger than we originally planned. This is definitely good for the game but it is taking a little longer than we originally expected. After we get a stable PC version done we will work on getting a console version done.

A couple screenshots of one of our newest levels.



Out of Time VR

While most of our time has been spent on Morels, we still continue to work on all of our other games as well. We have almost completely redone the story for Out of Time. A lot of what we had originally done may end up being scrapped. The new story is much better and we are super excited to bring this world to life in Virtual Reality. Once Morels is complete we plan to focus on this game next.

Battle Buggies

We have come up with a lot of new track ideas. We have made several new models that we are excited to see get added to our new tracks.

A few of the models we have created for the race tracks of Battle Buggies.




We are continuing to work on the story. We have also toyed with the idea of possible turning this one into a 2d side scroller instead of 3d.


Thank you for all your support.

-The Abrams Studios Team