
April 2018 Game Updates

Morels: The Hunt

We recently released our first gameplay trailer for Morels: The Hunt.

You can now use your points to purchase a headlamp that you can use at night to help you find morel mushrooms and animals.

We have done more work on the menus and sounds, added a new Texas level in the Southwest region, and created even more animals.

Battle Buggies

We recently made a few models for Battle Buggies. This T-Rex skeleton is the newest one. It was created for our Museum track.

Out of Time VR

We are working on a virtual reality Steampunk level for Out of Time VR. Here are a few models we’ve created for it.


We’ve been working on the level design for Harbinger, as well as reworking some of the animations and controls.


-The Abrams Studios Team



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