Time has really flown by. It’s been a year since the release of Morels: The Hunt, and to celebrate we’re releasing our biggest update ever! Please browse below to see some of the changes on the way. In preparation of the upcoming update we’d love a few volunteers who are interested in early access to this content. We are looking for bug testers to spend some time in game making sure the update is a smooth release. If you’re interested, please respond below or send us a private message and let us know! We’ll be sending out invites to a private discord for bug reporting and a discussion of the beta version of the update.

You can now buy a Snorkel to allow you to stay underwater for 2 minutes at a time. Also purchase a Fast Travel Map to allow you to Fast Travel back to you home base at any time from anywhere.

You now have a trophy room. It has a whiteboard with an overview off all your task completions. It has a display for your Golden Morels. You can change the photos on the walls to any of your photos you’ve taken.
There have been many collectables added to the game that are displayed in this room as well.

Now earn golden mushrooms for the other mushrooms you collect. These are displayed here as well.

When in camera mode, the animals will now have an outline when they are in focus. Green means they have not been photographed that day and gray means they have already been photographed. This only applies during daytime hours. We found it a bit too easy if this was also applied during the night.

We have added the option to quick capture with the camera. No longer do you have to wait until you look at the photo to take a new picture. You can now quickly take many pictures in a row. This should make the whole experience of photographing animals a bit easier. This will be the default method. You can still toggle to look at the photo on.

We moved the text letting you know what animal you photographed to the bottom right and changed its look a little bit. This way you will still be able to take photos quickly without anything in your view.

We have updated the Crosshairs Pickup Method and made it the default pickup method. There should no longer be any issues of not people able to pickup a mushroom. With this method, you will no longer have to look straight down all the time. This should make the experience much more relaxing and enjoyable. You can switch back to the old pickup method with the green circle guide by turning off Crosshairs Pickup Method in Gameplay under Settings.

You can now swim in water. Press the crouch button to dive down and then just look in the direction you want to swim. Toggle crouch again and look up at the surface to swim back up.

You can photograph and get points for the fish.

You can now get points for photographing some objects and insects.

We have added a new mushroom to hunt. Blewit Mushrooms.

All maps have been updated with new lighting, some new or updated meshes, dust particle effects, collectables, and more.

– Optimized the game. It was very CPU bound before. We have spent some time optimizing the animals and other things to fix help this.
– New, simpler tutorial
– You can now toggle Crouch on or off. No longer do you need to hold it down.
– You can now skip Intro Montages by pressing Enter on the keyboard or bottom face button on a controller.
– Updated Minimap Images to be more simple and help save on memory.
– Made Ticks less frequent.
– Fixed numerous bugs.
– Several other small features or fixes.
The new map and new animals did not make it into this update. They will be saved for a future update along with some other new features.
We just want to thank everyone for their support and for the positive reviews. We hope everyone will enjoy the update. Happy Hunting!
-The Abrams Studios Team